Treatment Darwin™️ Prolift RFM

RF Microneedling works primarily by delivering radiofrequency energy through an insulated RF microneedle. The radiofrequency energy penetrates the melanocytes at the base of the epidermis and forms a precisely controlled fractional coagulation zone in the dermis, heating the collagen fibres in the dermis to 55°C-65°C, thereby destroying the sebaceous glands and acne branches and stimulating collagen regeneration, improving the appearance of large facial pores, acne pits, excessive facial oil secretion and dull skin tone.

Using minimally invasive technology and radiofrequency heating, Darwin™️is a comprehensive treatment program that uses a disposable probe with adjustable treatment depth to locate the exact depth of treatment for different skin conditions to achieve skin tightening results.

What skin problems can Darwin™️ Prolift RFM solve?


Trusted Source


Stretch marks

Maturing skinTrusted

Divided into two treatment phases, 1.5-2 hours per session, recommended interval of 6 months

Divided into two treatment phases, 1.5-2 hours per session, recommended interval of 6 months

Operating Time & Interval:

Divided into two treatment phases, 1.5-2 hours per session, recommended interval of 6 months

Treatable Areas:



Lighten the formation of sunspots, pigmentation, melasma or other blemishes; improve skin tone and texture; reduce acne scars; tighten and shrink pores

Operating Procedures

Treatment Results

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