How to last longer in bed?10 TIPS to help you last longer.

How to last longer in bed

How long does it usually take to ejaculate?
In a 2005 study that appeared in《Journal of Sexual Medicine》, researchers asked 500 heterosexual couples to time the men’s ejaculations over the course of four weeks of sexual activity. The median duration was 5.4 minutes overall.

However, a lot of people can’t actually last that long. It was reported in another 2014 article《 New Naked》 that almost half of the men will experience orgasms within two minutes.

Lasting longer in bed enough for men is a hot topic when it comes to sexual activity, particularly among guys. Being able to enjoy sex for longer for a man increases pleasure and also provides a sense of control. This can be one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Men with longer-lasting sexual tend to have more self-esteem and more self-assurance. Also, the capacity of husband and wife to have harmonious sex is significantly influenced by men’s sexual function stamina, and those who can keep their favorite ladies for longer will do so.

Even if a person’s ejaculation timing is within the usual range, they will still desire to last longer. Treatment is more necessary if a person ejaculates too early, which frequently causes pain or makes intercourse uncomfortable.

Either way, the following tip on how to last longer in bed will help you achieve a longer sexual encounter with your partner.

1. Eat Healthy Food
Food that can naturally increase your sex performance, such as watermelon, nuts, ginger & garlic, oats, spinach, etc.

2. Control excitement
The four stages of sexual response are stimulation, duration, orgasm, and resolution. If you want to be more firm and lasting, the key is to recognize the emotional fluctuations in the entire sex, divide your state of excitement into 1 to 10 levels, don’t let yourself get too excited, and maintain the excitement level at around 7.

3. Pelvic Exercise
One medically recommended way to improve how long you last in bed is by strengthening your pelvic floor muscles.

Find the Correct Muscles: Your pelvic floor muscles are the same ones that allow you to stop urination flow in midstream. Once you find the pelvic floor muscles, you can do pelvic floor muscle exercises or in any position.

Practice Your Technique: Flex your pelvic floor muscles for three seconds, then rest for three seconds. After that, try doing this several times in a row.

Stay Focused: You want to avoid tightening other muscle groups surrounding the pelvic floor muscles when doing it. It’s important to breathe normally and try NOT to contract the muscles of your thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.

Get in Your Reps: It doesn’t take much time each day to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. You should see progress if you can do at least three sets of 10 reps per day.

By strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, you’ll have better control over when you climax during intimacy.

4. Reject addictive substances
Such as tobacco and alcohol, excessive consumption of these substances can impair your ability to control your ejaculation.

5. Focus On Foreplay
Some people may find that foreplay allows them to extend their sexual activity. These people can please and satisfy their partners without fear of ejaculation. At the same time, it boosts self-confidence when making love.

6. Try The Squeeze Technique
Sex therapist Debra Laino, Ph.D.advises putting it out when things start to get intense and then squeezing the head of the penis. Put your thumb and forefinger firmly, but not too forcefully, on the shaft of the penis. You can continue for longer by squeezing to delay ejaculation.

7. Take It Eazy
No one says you need to be hard and fast all the time, so you may take it slow as a break. There is an area of the brain responsible for an orgasm that senses when you crave or want to control it. The more inclined you are to get the pleasure, the quicker it will come. Don’t be in a hurry to get an orgasm, make more physical contact, such as letting the other person’s silky thighs touch your buttocks, and happiness will permeate your body.

8. Use A Condom
Condoms work well to extend penetration. The sensation isn’t quite as strong because they add another layer of isolation. This can merely postpone your partner’s climax long enough for you to enjoy your own.

9. Change Position
Choose sex positions that’ll help you last longer. The key objective here is to make your penis less sensitive while making the female partner feel more. So try to find the best pose for you.

10. Therapy
Psychotherapy can help a person identify any underlying psychological causes of premature ejaculation, such as anxiety. The therapist can also recommend personalized exercises to delay ejaculation and prolong sexual activity.

Using Alma Duo laser to stimulate blood circulation can also prolong sexual activity and also make you feel the pleasure of sex more intensely.

During the treatment, the shock wave causes mechanical stress to the treatment area on the male sexual organ triggering a reaction that stimulates the flow of blood and restores natural function.

Alma Duo restores natural function to bring spontaneity back into men’s lives. It is painless, with no recovery period, no injections, and no medicine.

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